LxRoot docs

Post Install Steps

To successfully set up your account and start offering services to customers a handful of settings are required.

To successfully set up your LxRoot account:

# 1. Set custom platform domains

Platform domains are custom domains which are used by your customers to access your control panel and other services such as phpMyAdmin and webmail. Platform domains are required in order to guarantee customer access to:

  • Global webmail access (Optional)
  • phpMyAdmin SSO
  • Staging website functionality

Instructions on how to set platfrom domains can be found here

# 2. Set Nameservers

If you are using LxRoot to provide your DNS, Nameserver details are required so that your customer's domain names resolve to your hosting.

Instructions on how to set nameservers can be found here.

# 3. Review System Generated Emails setup

System generated emails are sent from the platform for password resets, user invites etc. By default system gernerated emails are sent using LxRoot's local SMTP server. It is possible to set custom SMTP for this service.

More information on System generated emails can be found here

# 4. Review platform settings

Platform settings relate to the way hosting is provisioned globally, this includes the behaviour for core processes including Backups and updates.

LxRoot's platform settings are defaulted to sensible settings to allow you to quickly get up and running however, we recommend you review these settings to ensure they suit your needs.

To review and update your global service settings:

  • Open Settings in the left sidebar
  • Select Services

# 5. Review global service settings

Service settings impact the underlying application that make up your hosting service. These settings will automatically be applied to all new servers added to your Enhance cluster.

Service settings can be overridden on a per server.

To review and update your global service settings:

  1. Open Settings in the left sidebar
  2. Select Services

# 6. Add your first hosting package

You can add unlimited hosting packages to LxRoot. A package is a collection of configured tools and resources that you can subscribe a customer to.

More information on Packages can be founde here