LxRoot docs

Password Reset

# Reset Customer's Password

If a customer has forgotten their login credentials, we recommend they reset their password by selecting the 'Forgot password' link on the login page. A customer can also change their own password while logged in by selecting 'My account'.

To reset a customer's password on their behalf:

  • Select Customers in the left hand menu
  • Locate the customers organisation and click Manange customers
  • Select the Users tab
  • Locate the user whose password you would like to reset and select the kebab menu then Reset password
  • When the modal loads enter the new password and select Save

# Reset Owner Password

If you have forgotten the password for your master organisation's owner login, you can usually reset it by clicking reset password as a user would, and following the steps to complete the password reset.

However, if this is a new installation and you have not yet configured system generated emails, there is an alternative method using SQL.

On your control server, run:

                            $ docker exec -it authd-postgres psql -U lxroot 
> UPDATE logins SET password =DECODE(CRYPT ('NEW PASSWORD',gen_salt('bf')),'escape') WHERE email = 'owner@mo.com';

(Replace owner@mo.com with the email of your owner)

You should then be able to log in.