LxRoot docs

Customer Management


If you do not have access to 'Customers' you may not have the correct user permissions

LxRoot allows you to add an unlimited number of customers (also known as organisations). A Master organisation and a Reseller can manage all their customers, customers' websites and email accounts, service status, impersonate a customer and more from the 'Customers' management page.

# Add a Customer

To add a customer:

  1. Open Customers in the left side bar
  2. Click Add customer
  3. Complete the form and click Add to finish

Organisation name - This is the name of the company, organisation or customer. If the customer is an individual we recommend you use their full name.

Owner's email account - This is the email address for the primary contact of the organisation. If the owner does not have an existing login you will be promoted to create a new user account. To create a new user you will need to input a full name and a password.

# Soft and Permanently Delete a Customer

A customer can be Soft and Permanently deleted.

Soft delete will set a customer’s account to deleted, this will stop a customer accessing their account and set all their websites, emails etc to disabled. A soft deleted customer can be restored almost instantly using LxRoot’s restore functionality.

A customer that has been soft deleted will automatically be permanently deleted from your LxRoot cluster as per your platform's permanently delete schedule. You can adjust a permanently delete schedule by visiting your platform settings.

To soft delete a customer:

  1. Open Customers in the left side bar
  2. Click Delete in the drop down menu of the customer you would like to delete
  3. Click Delete to confirm

Permanently delete will completely remove a customer’s account and data from your servers including backups. Only soft deleted customers can be permanently deleted.


It is not possible to restore a customer that has been permanently deleted. To do this you would need to restore the customer and website data from your own (non LxRoot) backups.

To permanently delete a customer:

  1. Open Customers in the left side bar
  2. Click Permanently delete in the drop down menu of the customer you would like to delete
  3. Click Permanently delete to confirm

# Impersonate a Customer

Impersonating a customer allows you to access a customer's account to help troubleshoot any issues that may occur. While impersonating a customer, you will see exactly what the customer sees.


All actions performed while impersonating a customer are visible in a customer's logs.

To impersonate a customer:

  1. Open Customers in the left side bar
  2. Select Impersonate customer in the drop down menu of the customer you would like to impersonate

A yellow bar will appear at the top your browser to indicate you are impersonating a customer's account. You can return to your own account by clicking Back to admin.

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