LxRoot docs

Migrate MySQL to MariaDB

You can move existing websites on a MySQL server to Mariadb using the 'Move website' tool.


In order to sucessfully move a website from MySQL to MariaDB you have to delete any database users with caching_sha2_password and add them as mysql_native_password - you can get the existing password from wp-config.php. This is because mariadb does not support caching_sha2_password.

To move websites between MySQL and MariaDB servers on your LxRoot cluster:

  1. Open Websites in the left side bar
  2. Select one or more websites that you would like to move and click Move server
  3. When the Move server page loads, select the the destination server from the Database role drop down
  4. click Next and then Continue to confirm the move.

    You will be pushed to a progress page where you can keep track of the move

Managing MySQL